e r n e c f e e e r
o r f u t u r e e p i t f P l e a s e k o r m a t i o t n a . n t i n f
T h i s g u i d e c o n t a i n s i m p o r
o g . p c f o r m . l e a w w w
e r n t P G a u i d e & I n s t r u c t i o n s
Twist and turn while you learn! This fast-action math product teaches
3. Press the SLAM button to activate the EnterYour Name mode.
core math skills for grades 1 through 6 with fun graphics and sound
effects.Twist to a game mode and jam to a cool musical beat. Hit the
SLAM button to enter your answer.
A series of blank underscore symbols will appear on the screen.
4. Press the UP or DOWN directional arrows to make letters
appear in a blank. Press the SLAM button to enter the active
letter. Continue this process to enter all of the letters in your
name (up to 11 characters).
It’s easy to get started…
1. Add 4 AA batteries.
2. Turn on the product.
3. Enter your name.
5. The LEFT and RIGHT directional arrows can be used to move
from one letter to another, allowing you to revise letters if desired.
6. When you are finished entering the Player Name, press the
4. Select a game mode.
GAMES button.
5. Follow the prompts and
begin learning!
7.To confirm and begin using the Player Name, press the SLAM button.
Or, press the DOWN arrow to erase this Player Name and start
the EnterYour Name process over again.You can also press the UP
arrow to skip the EnterYour Name process and start playing
immediately as a Guest.
The first time you turn on Turbo Twist Math, the host character
offers the option to enter your name.This enables Turbo Twist Math to
track your play and retain level and score information for future games.
HowTo Play As A Guest:
HowTo EnterYour Name:
1. Activate device by pressing the On/Off button.
You also have the choice of interacting with the unit as a Guest.To
avoid changing the main Player Name and level information, have
other player’s use the Guest mode.The Guest mode will erase all
guest score and level information once the unit is shut off.
2. Unit offers two options: Press the SLAM button to enter name, or
press the UP arrow to play as a Guest (see below for details).
BEATTHE CLOCK: You have 90 seconds to solve as
To input numbers while playing a game, turn the Number Dial until
the appropriate number is shown on the screen and then press the
SLAM button to confirm the selected number.
many equations as possible.
1.To solve each problem, the player fills in the blanks.Twist the Number
Dial to select numbers and press the SLAM button to enter these
numbers into the blanks.
2.When the 90-second countdown is complete,TurboTwist Math totals
the correct answers the player entered and awards a score.
Learn to SPELL
like a PRO!
Press the GAMES button to activate the Game selection menu. Press
the directional arrows to scroll through the game choices. Press the
SLAM button to start a game.
For some harder problems the device only asks the player to fill in
the beginning and/or final digits in the answer.This encourages the
player to develop estimation skills.
LEARN IT: A simple “flash card” style game that allows
players to “shout out” their guess before revealing the
correct answer.
WORD PROBLEMS: A fun and exciting way to
translate words into math equations.
1.The unit displays a math problem to the musical beat, and then
pauses, allowing the player to guess the answer aloud.
1.The operation options forWord Problems are Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division.
Dear Parent,
2. Press the SLAM button to reveal the correct answer to the problem.
3. Press the SLAM button again to move on to the next math problem.
2.The unit will announce a word problem and present three possible
choices as the answer.
We at LeapFrog know that you are your child’s most important
teacher. Our goal is to help you build an environment for your
child that is rich in experiences—one that encourages discovery
and fosters learning success.
Turn on Turbo Twist Math
Turn on Turbo Twist Math
Twist this dial forward or
i l
3. Press the SLAM button when the correct answer appears.
4. If your answer is correct, the unit moves to the next mental math
problem. If the answer is incorrect, the unit offers a hint by showing
the corresponding equation for the word problem.This format enables the
player to learn the correlation between the words and equations.
Challenge your
by pressing the On/Off
by pressing the On/Off
backward to scroll through
PRACTICETABLES: Lets you focus on specific
memorization of important math information, and keep
practicing at your own pace until you've got it perfect!
button. Press it again to
button. Press it again to
numbers 0-9.
turn the unit off.
turn the unit off.
Note: If the unit is left unattended for a
Note: If the unit is left unattended for a
We have developed learning toys that are designed to teach
fundamental skills such as math, language arts, science and
social studies to grade school students. Our products feature
a hands-on, multisensory approach to learning. Children can see,
hear, touch, and interact with our learning toys.The products are
designed to adapt to individual skill levels, and provide positive
feedback that encourages children to explore and learn at their
own pace.
Press the SLAM button
few minutes, it will shut off automatically
few minutes, it wil shut off automaticaly
1.The operation options are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
2. Use the UP and DOWN directional arrows to select a Practice
Number to perform. Press the SLAM button to enter your choice.
Example: if you want to practice your 4s multiplication table, select
multiplication and then the number 4.The unit will present all of
the multiplication times-tables problems involving the number 4.
3.To solve each problem, fill in the blanks.Twist the Number Dial to
select numbers and press the SLAM button to enter these numbers
into the blanks.
to conserve battery power.
to conserve battery power.
to enter selections.
The player has two chances to answer each word problem.
The unit has a jack for
MULTI-PLAYER: 2-4 players take turns solving equations in this
fast-paced game. TurboTwist Math keeps score and offers rewards.
Press the Games button to
Press the Games button to
see game choices.
see game choices.
headphone use. Headphones
are not included.
i l
1. Select the number of players by pressing the UP or DOWN directional
arrows.You can choose 2, 3, or 4 players. Press the SLAM button to
enter your choice.
2. Select a level for the game by pressing the UP or DOWN directional
arrows. All of the players in the game will play using the same level.
Press the SLAM button to begin play.
Warning: Headphone wires can
Warning: Headphone wires can
Press the Up button for
Press the Up button for
be dangerous to small children.
be dangerous to small children.
higher volume and press
higher volume and press
Headphones should only be used
Headphones should only be used
LeapFrog learning toys are designed to grow alongside your
the Down button for
the Down button for
under adult supervision.
under adult supervision.
QUIZTIME: Choose an operation and solve the
equation! Turbo Twist Math keeps score and increases
the value of questions when you answer many
correctly in a row.Think carefully to earn big points!
child through each stage of development. All are made with the
same playful spirit that promotes a lifelong love of learning. For
additional information on how to make learning fun and effective,
from parents and educators.We hope you’ll join us there.
lower volume.
lower volume.
Become a
3. Players take turns answering questions by twisting to view answer choices
and pressing the SLAM button to enter their answers.
Expand the learning fun
Didn’t hear it the first time?
Didn’t hear it the first time?
with Turbo Twist Math
4. Double or Nothing: If a player answers a math problem correctly,
he/she may be offered a Double or Nothing challenge. If the player wants
to KEEP the points already earned for the first problem (the safer course
of action), press the DOWN arrow.To go for the Double or Nothing,
press the UP arrow and the device will offer a second math problem
challenge.The player will earn double points for answering the second
problem correctly. If the second problem is answered incorrectly, the player
earns NO points for either of the two problems.
Press the Repeat button to
Press the Repeat button to
Cartridges or Mind Station
download cartridges
(both sold separately).
l .
1.The unit displays a math problem to the musical beat, and
then shows three possible answers.
2.When you see the correct answer, press the SLAM button.
hear the question again.
hear the question again.
Look for these exciting
Turbo Twist products!
If your answer is incorrect,TurboTwist Math will offer a hint and
allow a second chance. If your answer is correct, the unit offers
praise, points, and possibly a Promotion (after a series of
correct answers).
Use these multi-purpose
Use these multi-purpose
controls to move through
controls to move through
Mike Wood
LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc.
various menus.
various menus.
When 3 rounds of the game are complete the unit presents Half-
Time score standings. When all 6 rounds of the game are complete
the unit presents Final Awards for the top-scoring players.
8 0 0 2 0 _ T T
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